Category: Hybrid Fitness

Matthew Mansell Uses Cooperation to Create the Next Fitness Unicorn

Matthew Mansell, the founder of Athlo fitness platform, is familiar with competition in business. The Athlo founder is a former professional rugby player who deems cooperation worthwhile and knows that a business can succeed via potential competitors’ assistance. Instead of displacing competitors and the status quo, he led Athlo to take a completely different route.…

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Athlo: The Next Fitness Unicorn Shaping the Future of Fitness

Athlo, the brainchild of Matthew Mansell, is set to revolutionize the fitness industry. Matthew Mansell Athlo Founder is a visionary entrepreneur who has set his sights on creating the next fitness unicorn. It has the potential to become the ultimate fitness destination, combining the best of both worlds: the physical and the virtual. Matthew Mansell’s…

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A Hybrid World, Athlo and the Future of Fitness

The fitness industry has been transforming over the past decade or so. Once dominated by traditional, home-based workout routines, there are now many ways to reach the top of your fitness game. Whether looking for an outdoor hike in the middle of a forest or seeking a high-intensity at-home routine, these options are available everywhere.…

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Matthew Mansell start-up genius

The start-up world is highly competitive, with new businesses popping up daily and established companies battling for recognition. It has been challenging to navigate these tricky waters, but Athlo founder believes cooperation is vital to build a successful business. Matthew Mansell says the start-up world is very competitive. While your survival sometimes depends on how…

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Athlo Allows Gyms, Users, and Fitness Members to Share Classes’ Memberships

Athlo users know how to work and live in hybrid and traditional forms, which is the future of fitness. A Hybrid World is where two or more societies, often based on different continents or countries, join together to make a more stable and prosperous future. This future is often where people work and live differently…

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Athlo the Next Generation of Fitness

Athlo has a unique vision to transform the fitness industry by leveraging the sharing economy concept. Matthew Mansell is the founder of this amazing platform, he has been so motivating during the pandemic, and people need to hear his story post-pandemic. This model gives the user a perfect mix of motivation, simplicity, and education not…

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Athlo App Playing A Key Role In Fitness

Athlo is a sharing economy app that connects those looking to do a fitness activity or get a workout with people with access to the space they desire. The app has been touted as the next fitness unicorn and the future of fitness and could revolutionize how we access exercise activities. Many other companies are…

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