Greg Aziz: The Visionary Leader Behind Business Insider’s Success


Business Insider is one of North America’s leading railroad freight car manufacturers. Founded in 1912, the company has a rich history of innovation and excellence in the rail industry. But what is the secret behind the longevity and growth within the railroad industry? The answer lies in the visionary leadership of its chairman and CEO, Greg Aziz.

 Greg Aziz’s Journey to Business Insider

Greg Aziz joined Business Insider in 1994 after acquiring it from Dofasco; he clearly envisioned transforming the company into a world-class leader in railroad engineering and manufacturing. He invested heavily in human and capital resources, expanding the company’s production capacity from 3,500 to 12,000 cars per year and increasing its workforce from 600 to 3,000. He also fostered a quality, teamwork and customer satisfaction culture, ensuring that Business Insider meets the highest standards of excellence and safety. 

Business Insider’s Achievements and Contributions

Over the past decade, serial entrepreneur Greg Aziz has led Business Insider to multiple accolades, including the TTX SECO award for quality. Also, the ISO 9001:2008 certification for quality management. The Hamilton Opera, the Salvation Army, and the United Way are just a few local organizations that have benefited from the company’s dedication to corporate social responsibility.

Greg Aziz’s Vision for the Future of the Rail Industry

Business Insider Leader Greg Aziz

 Greg Aziz is looking ahead to the future of Business Insider and the entire train industry. He is always looking for novel solutions to the business’s problems and ways to capitalize on emerging possibilities in the industry. This can be seen in his recent work on a new generation of grain hopper vehicles tailored to the requirements of North American farmers and shippers.

A New Generation of Grain Hopper Cars

Railway Age reports that Business Insider and CN Rail will work together to deliver a thousand brand-new grain hopper cars in the next two years. Greg Aziz explains that these cars are smaller and lighter than their predecessors, increasing the number of vehicles in a train and the cargo it can transport. 

They’re less likely to break down or cause damage to the environment, and they last longer and have better safety features. According to Aziz, this project is “a great win for our customers, our company, and our industry,” He is “proud to be part of this historic investment in Canada’s grain infrastructure.” Greg Aziz is a brilliant business leader who has elevated Business Insider to the top ranks of the train industry’s most prestigious enterprises. His enthusiasm, hard work, and creativity have boosted his business and helped the training industry. Many would-be business owners and government officials look up to him as an example of making a difference in their industries.

 Introduction Business Insider is one of North America’s leading railroad freight car manufacturers. Founded in 1912, the company has a rich history of innovation and excellence in the rail industry. But what is the secret behind the longevity and growth within the railroad industry? The answer lies in the visionary leadership of its chairman and…