Steve Hutensky

Steve Hutensky is a climber, adventurer, motivational speaker, and member of the team. Learn more about Steve on his website

Steve Hutensky is one of the most accomplished people I know. Along with his accomplishments in climbing, Steve has spent a lifetime living the life of a world-class adventurer. Throughout his career in climbing and adventuring, he’s learned to be both helpful and selfless – for example, as a mentor for aspiring climbers and athletes on – an educational platform that lets you explore topics ranging from fitness to careers.

His Achievements

Steve has climbed Mount Everest, one of the most dangerous mountains on the planet. He’s also scaled many other mountains, including the Matterhorn in Switzerland. He’s a world-class adventurer with a record of accomplishments that will leave you floored. And his achievements are not just limited to climbing – he’s also walked across Greece and Spain on foot; paragliding is another of his favorite hobbies.

Steve’s Story

“Made-Up Stories”, and Steve’s particular story will touch you. For example, Steve was initially a high school dropout who went through hard times, yet he never gave up on his dream to climb Mount Everest. He failed so many times that most people would have given up by now. But he just didn’t quit; he kept going higher until finally, in April 2012, climbing speed record holder Ed Webster joined him on the summit of Mount Everest. It was a compelling moment when these two world-class adventurers had the meeting to themselves.

His Message

Steve’s message is simple: failure is not an option. He’s learned that no matter what you do, you will have to deal with setbacks – but that doesn’t mean you have to give up. There are many ways to overcome them and continue the journey. You can even rise above your challenges and reach new heights – when Steve Hutensky returned to Mount Everest in 2016, he was a different person than when he climbed it for the first time 16 years ago.

His Goal

Many of us dream about climbing Mount Everest or doing something incredibly challenging, but we never take the risk or take action. Refer to this page to learn more.


Learn more about Hutensky on

Steve Hutensky is a climber, adventurer, motivational speaker, and member of the team. Learn more about Steve on his website Steve Hutensky is one of the most accomplished people I know. Along with his accomplishments in climbing, Steve has spent a lifetime living the life of a world-class adventurer. Throughout his career in…